Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Q: What kind of dog is the Thai Ridgeback Dog? 
A: The Thai Ridgeback Dog is a natural hunting dog (not a hound) that has existed for thousands of years. When categorizing breeds it is considered a Spitz - Primitive.
Q: Is the Thai Ridgeback Dog a rare breed?
A: Yes. Very few are found in the USA and Europe, most are still found in their native home of Thailand.
Q: Where does the Thai Ridgeback Dog come from?
A: Based on historical accounts they are believe to have originated in Southeast Thailand or Cambodia.
Q: What is the Thai Ridgeback Dog used for?
A: In their native Thailand, they are primarily used for guarding homes and livestock. With their recent growth in popularity, they are being seen more often in the show ring and as companion dogs..
Q: How large will a Thai Ridgeback Dog become?
A: The males are larger than the females, averaging 22 to 24 inches at the withers and weighing 50 to 60 pounds. The females average 20 to 22 inches tall and weigh about 35 to 55 pounds as adults.
Q: Does the Thai Ridgeback Dog shed?
A: Of course, all dogs shed to some degree and they will shed, depending upon the climate in which they live. In warmer climates the Thai Ridgeback Dog won't grow a heavier winter coat, thus shedding will be limited.
Q: What kind of temperament does the Thai Ridgeback Dog have?
A: TRD's are naturally protective of their family and territory. They do tend to be aggressive toward other dogs, unless properly socialized at a young age. The females can be more aggressive with each other as it is natural for them to be protective of their home. Males will often play together if introduced appropriately. But not always.
Q: How long will a Thai Ridgeback Dog live?
A: Twelve to sixteen years is to be expected.
Q: Is the Thai Ridgeback's Dog hair cut to look like that?
A: No, this is the way it naturally grows.
Q: Are the Thai Ridgeback
Dog's ears cropped to make them stand up?
A: No,
they are totally natural and have a pricked ear like
the Dingo.
Q: What colours of coat does the Thai Ridgeback Dog have?
A: Black (Sidum), Blue (Siswad=silver-grayblue), Red (SiDang), and Fawn (SiBua). With the red and fawn coloring, a black mask is often seen on the RED TRD only. For show quality, the color should be solid with no white markings.
Q: Does the AKC or UKC recognize the Thai Ridgeback Dog?
A:Yes and No. The TRD is RECORDED with the AKC's Foundation Stock Service. They are fully recognized by the UKC. They are able to be shown at rare breed shows and fun matches all across America. In Europe they are shown under a group called FCI.
Q: Does this mean I can't show a Thai Ridgeback Dog in conformation or obedience classes in the AKC?
A: Yes, this is true but it will change in the near future.
Q: Is a Thai Ridgeback Dog easy to train?
A: Yes, they are great learners and with proper training one can do anything with a TRD.
Q: Does the Thai Ridgeback Dog make a good house-dog?
A: Yes.
The TRD is a very excellent dog to have in your home.
They are very easy to house train and teach them proper
household manners.
Q: How do Thai Ridgeback
Dogs get along with children?
A:No problem, as long as you socialize them properly like you would do with any dog, it is more a matter of how well the children behave around the dogs! Children must be taught how to properly behave with dogs, or any animal for that matter. If the children are well behaved, the TRD will be the same.
Q: Q: Does the Thai Ridgeback Dog make a good watch/guard dog?
A: The BEST! The Thai Ridgeback Dog is an excellent natural watchdog and family protector, requiring only that the owner has control over it.
Q: Do Thai Ridgeback Dogs get along with cats? 
A: Not always! But if raised from an early age they will be able to live together. But please do be careful as they have a very strong "old" prey drive. They will HUNT for sure!
Q: Are Thai Ridgeback
Dogs noisy? What bad habits do they have?
A: TRD tend to bark only when there is something unusual about (unless one has fallen into bad habits out of boredom). They are very athletic, easily able to clear high fences.
Q: What is the biggest problem in owning a TRD?
A: Being
asked "the Question!" "What Kind
of dog is that!" over and over every day for the
life of your TRD.
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